Friday, March 21, 2008

Sick Bay

For two days I did nothing but literally hold my little boy sick with the flu. The first 10 hours was throwing up every 20 minutes (I dirtied almost every towel, blanket and sheet in the house and 7 shirts), then came the fever and diarrhea. His fever finally broke this morning and he started eating solid food tonight. I haven't had a child that sick before, not okay. It is such a relief to have him perk back up and slowly become his old self. Logan was a big help, watching lots of T.V. and mostly staying out of trouble. I am looking forward to the weekend. I have finished washing all the dirty laundry on the sanitary cycle on my washer. Now I just need to shampoo my carpets and I'll be good. I am grateful for good health.


Kathy said...

I'm so sorry. That sounds horrible! We haven't had the nasty stuff yet, and I'm just holding my breath...

Hope you are all doing better. It's so hearbreaking to see your children sick like that.

Zoe said...

Oh, I am soooo sorry! I hope that he is okay now. I hate that, but then again, I do love the fact that they let me hold them when they are sick. Twisted, I know!

Zoe said...

Hello there . . . are you having yours skirt party this Sat.? As in, 2 days? I am very excited. DON'T forget to invite me!! LOL!